
The Rialto�s Editor Development Programme � apply this week for the next stage

August 18, 2014

Calling all those who'd like to out their inner editor. The Rialto poetry magazine is looking for two more people to take part in its Editor Development Programme, run in conjunction with the Poetry School. A chance for poets and would-be editors to get hands-on experience of poetry editing.  Abigail Parry and I, the first generation of assistant editors, wrote about our experience in the spring/summer issue of The Rialto, and I�ve blogged about it here, here and here.   

It�s been terrific.  If you got the job:

-   You�d read a lot of poetry, and find out what people are writing at the moment.  
-  You�d discover (probably) whether you like reading large numbers of poems. 
-      You could bring new writers to the magazine. 
-     You�d sit around with editor Michael Mackmin and discuss whether a poem works or not, and why.  That was the best thing of all. 
-  You�d learn about ordering poems, and work on putting the magazine together. 
-  You�d edit your own section in one issue of the magazine, together with your co-assistant editor.
-   You�d find out what�s involved in running a poetry magazine, from design to finance to publicity.  

[And if the wonkiness of the above list makes you doubt my editing skills, fair enough but I can't make it come out right!]

Follow this link to the Poetry School website to find out how to apply, and to download an information sheet. Application deadline: 5pm this Friday, 22 August.

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