Poetry Society resignations, and call for an EGM: update

June 28, 2011

There are rumblous thunderings over central London.  That�s not an attempt at pathetic fallacy but a description of the weather, which is heading this way.  I live on the side of a hill, so can see it coming.  

Kate Clanchy�s list of Poetry Society members calling for an Extraordinary General Meeting � see my last post � has reached 222 names, almost two-thirds of the way to the 340 names needed.  Do email her at kateclanchy at gmail dot com if you want to join the list.

The Poetry Society trustees issued a statement yesterday.  This uses Judith Palmer�s resignation as an excuse not to comment on what�s going on.  At least it says something about what the trustees are doing, though I think it�s much too late for that to be enough.  A bit like one of those political situations where there�s a lot of pressure for change, but too little is offered too late, and what might have been accepted at an earlier stage is no longer enough, so pressure builds for more change�  Which reminds me of the current situation in Syria � just to put things in perspective. 

Some people abbreviate the Poetry Society to PoSoc, which adds a nice Orwellian touch.  There have been two doubleplusgood blog posts on PoSoc by Rob Mackenzie (today) and Katy Evans-Bush.  

While I was writing this, the weather arrived in Greenwich.  Lightning and thunder cracked and crashed right overhead.  I�ll put any more updates in the comments below, because I don�t want this to turn into a blog about the Poetry Society. 

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